Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 31

July 31 - 26.25 km
Blasted out of bed very early by very loud music. Although I think at first it's coming from a neighboring apartment I realize that it's live music coming from across the parking lot, it's the beginning of "Buffalo Days". I head out to a new place for coffee, stop at a Macs store for newspapers and have an interesting conversation with clerk about walking and photography. I have another conversation about walking and photography with server at Roca Jacks coffee house. The shop is providing coffee for strikers on picket line so I leave some money for coffee fund.

Start on Day's excursion. Drop a copy of Rebecca Solnit's "Wanderlust" at gallery for facilitator to read and start walking toward north end of town in search of the "New Utopia" cafe . An obituary of the owner, local artist and restauranteur Roger Ing, had appeared in yesterdays newspaper and I thought that looking for the site of the cafe would be an appropriate tribute. I walk up Broad to Dewdney and then west on Dewdney for quite a distance with out sighting the cafe. I end up at the RCMP Heritage centre, in a new Arthur Erikson influenced building, have lunch there -smoked chicken sandwich & salad. $12.00 admission to the centre and $8.00 for lunch.
I return to the city along the Wascana Creek walking path mulling over my experience at the heritage centre which I'm thinking of more as a propaganda centre designed for training recruits in the grand tradition of the force. It makes me wonder again about the need for a nineteenth century paramilitary federal police agency in current times. To paraphrase Rousseau, "...I think when I walk...."
In the evening i walk down to the Mackenzie Art Gallery for a re-enactment of "The Trial of Louis Riel". As I enter I am invited to play the part of a member of the jury, requiring me to be in costume and sit on the stage in an extremely uncomfortable chair for two hours. Excellent re-enactment with predictable results.

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