Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July 29

July 29 - 11.74 km
Spent morning with ankle in ice-packs before going for newspapers. Bill Burns drops by for coffee at Atlantis, a surprise. Then to work at the gallery.
1pm. Walk up to postal outlet to mail some documents and pick up a package. While entering the drugstore containing the postal outlet I was told that I was entering a "back-pack free zone" and I had to surrender my pack at the counter, not unusual but inconvenient as I was going to the postal outlet not the drugstore. A couple of days earlier while buying a bottle of wine I was followed around the liquor store by a security guard, presumably because of the backpack. Seems like you become an object of suspicion if you need to carry everything you need for a days activity with you. Urban walking is a suspect activity.
After returning to the gallery for a bit more work I went down to a wine bar for dinner, a guinness burger with stilton, delicious. While I was enjoying an after dinner glass of wine a local artist arrived to drop off a commissioned painting.
After dinner I picked up some groceries and walked home.

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