Monday, September 29, 2008

Sept 29

I'm a bit late on this last post - the show officially ended on Sept. 14. However these are the distances walked since last entry:
Sept 7 - 5.33

Sept 8 - 8.98
Sept 9 - 12.10
Sept 10 - 6.39
Sept 11 - 10.73 Drive to Toronto and fly to Lethbridge.
Sept 12 - 6.48
Sept 13 - 3.57

Sept 14 - 9.91 The Sun Never Sets closes. Fly to Toronto and drive to Peterborough.
Sept 15 - 8.07
Sept 16 - 5.79
Sept 17 - 6.25
Sept 18 - 11.52
Sept 19 - 12.08
Sept 20 - 5.07

Sept 21 - 3.01
Sept 22 - 5.27
Sept 23 - 7.17
Sept 24 - 7.37

Sept 25 - 5.06
Sept 26 - 6.05

Sept 27 - 7.19
Sept 28 - 2.44
total = 155.83 km.

This is the last for for Erratic Space: Victoria Park.
I'm returning to Don Gill - Walking (

Sunday, September 7, 2008

September 6

September 4 - 7.72 km
September 5 - 8.90 km
September 6 - 9.78 km

One of the pleasures of living in a compact urban neighborhood is the convenience of walking for a morning newspaper, especially if there are a variety of local, national and international newspapers to choose from. Having the papers delivered is pleasant but it means you don't have to leave the house till well on into the morning. The 1 km. walk before reading the papers is refreshing. Being able to conveniently and pleasurably walk for most of life's necessities is a remarkable change from a car oriented suburban life.
Papers - 1 km return.
Work - 6 km return.
Groceries - 1-7 km return.
Downtown - 1.5 - 6 km return.
Hardware - 3 km return.
Artist Run Centre and art galleries - 1.5 - 6 km return.
Other culture - 3 - 6km return.
Cafe Society - everywhere.

Monday, September 1, 2008

September 1-3

Sept 1 - 10 km
Sept 2 - 8.44 km
Sept 3 - 8.48 km
Still mainly centered in the house, although I'm managing short walks into town. Weather is hot and humid.
Coincidentally, a short distance away by the Peterborough bus station is a mural painting of Ghost Mountain in Alberta, a connection with our western residence. A stimulating view if you can ignore the unnecessary and intrusive biblical quote.